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Delivering High-Quality Fulfillment at Cost-Effective Rates
We get it—price can make or break your decision. That's why we keep things straightforward. But if our current pricing doesn't quite fit your needs, or if you're dealing with a high volume of orders, don't hesitate. Drop us a line, and we'll work out a custom quote just for you. Let's make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck!
Pricing Table
The pricing outlined below represents our standard rates for E-commerce and Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) clients.
Our fulfillment center is located in Pico Rivera, CA.
Unit Price
Pallet Inbound $8.50 / Pallet
Case Inbound $1.00 / Case
20ft Container $450 / Container
40ft Container $800 / Container
Pallet Wrap $5.00 / Pallet
Unit Price
Pallet Storage $25 / 6-ft Pallet
Cubic Storage* $0.50 / ft³
*For large goods that cannnot be easily stored on a pallet, bin, or shelf.
Unit Price
Order Processing $2..25 / Order
Additional Pick $0.50/ Pick*
Pallet Outbound $8.50/ Pallet
FNSKU Labels $0.50/ Label
Pallet Supply Cost + 15% / Pallet
Materials Cost + 15% / Item
*For each pick in an order after the first pick.
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